Hope Church @ Port City

Warnings of Love

...and by His stripes we are healed. (Is. 53:5)


We were at a street festival recently, and encountered some street preachers. Now, I’m not against street preaching … I think it’s awesome when done properly. These men, however, were screaming at people that they were going to hell, that God is a wrathful judge who should be feared, that He really loathes them and barely condescends to save them IF they “repent of their sin”.

They sported a sign advertising a website warning people of the “wrath” to come. When I saw it, something bubbled up within my spirit and I said, “warnings of wrath? What about warnings of love? What about warnings of glory?  What about warnings of healings?  What about warnings of power?” And so, Warnings of Love was born in my heart.

And so, dear reader, if you have been harangued by street preachers or badgered by Christians, let me say this: I am sorry.

I’m sorry that the Church has treated you this way.

I’m sorry that the Church has failed in its primary mission: love.

I’m sorry that people, operating out of their own wounds and hurts, chose to hurt you rather than be healed, themselves. 

I’m sorry that, well, the Church has historically been so darned sorry.

In short – you have been lied to about the nature and character of God. The truth is that you are loved, even adored … The truth is that He found humanity so worthy of love, Jesus came to set things straight – forever. The truth is that He is the embodiment of love. The truth is that Jesus looked like Father … so anything you’ve heard about Father that can’t be seen about Jesus is wrong.

The truth is that truth is not a concept… it’s not an idea we buy into… it’s not a mindset we have, or doctrine we keep… Truth is a Person. His name is Jesus.

DEAR FRIENDS – At this point, I’m praying about where to go with this – what to do – how to do it. If you feel led to donate, so that this can become a stand-alone site, that would be awesome and appreciated! This is by no means a non-profit, so it’s not tax deductible in any way… but I will guarantee that anything donated will go directly to the site and not my pockets. If it goes “nowhere” I’ll give the money you’ve donated to New Day’s evangelism fund in your name.

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