Born Gay?
I often hear people (mostly gayfolk, but these days a lot of folks have taken up the “agenda”) say,
“I was born gay. There’s nothing I can do to change it.”
Most evangelicals I know, myself included, counter this with “nope, sorry, it really is a choice” and engage in dialogue – each person beginning from their own premise.
However, I heard some interesting preaching on this subject last week. Pastor Marshall of Thacker’s Memorial UHC was one of the guest speakers at Acts Temple’s Releasing the Fire Conference. No, he didn’t make homosexuality the focus of the sermon. It was mentioned along with several other things that God is capable of changing in a person. Now, before you either say, “duh” or “!#$%@” consider this.
You may have been born gay, but when you are saved by Jesus Christ you are born again. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2Co 5:17
If you believe you were born gay … fine.
In Jesus you can be born AGAIN… you don’t have to keep those things you were born with the first time.