An amazing account of Wigglesworth
I’m sitting here at Starbucks, reading Bill Johnson’s “Face to Face with God” – great book. One chapter is devoted to some of the great revivalists, including Smith Wigglesworth.
Smith was an interesting character – an illiterate plumber who broke down at the thought of speaking in front of a group, transformed by the power of Holy Spirit into one of the best-known and most-loved revivalists of all time. He saw a great many miracles in his ministry, but this one beats all:
In one famous account, he and a friend went to a hospital to pray for a sick woman. While they were praying, she died. Wigglesworth wouldn’t accept that result. He pulled her body out of the bed and stood her against the wall, saying, “In the name of Jesus I rebuke this death.” Her body began to tremble. He said, “In the name of Jesus, walk,” and she did.