Hope Church @ Port City


...and by His stripes we are healed. (Is. 53:5)

Are miracles rare by God’s design?

An old ministry friend (who shall be anonymous here) called last night. He and I used to be on a counter-cult/apologetics mailing list together. We got the boot around the same time for asking hard questions (a story for another time, but amounting to asking the countercult guys, “When was the last time you witnessed…
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Walking in Victory – or not.

I’m becoming slowly convinced that Christians (self included) aren’t walking in the fullness of the victory that Christ won for us on the cross. If Jesus disarmed principalities and powers, made a public spectacle of them and triumphed over them on the cross (Col. 3:15) – and if we are seated in heavenly places with…
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Testing Experiences

There is no doubt that “experiences” are at the heart of a lot of what the HH’s write about, and are a part of what causes much question and controversy in the church. Things like visions of angels, trances, healings, etcetera need to be weighed against Scripture. Scripture needs to be tested against Scripture. For…
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The Car Wreck, and trip to Maryland

We were sitting at Waffle House a little after midnight. We’d been ministering to a mom and daughter who’d been at the revival service, and were just about to wrap it up and head for our respective hotels when my cell phone rang. It was Kayti. Tears and hysterics. She’d had a car wreck up…
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The Car Wreck Miracle

I’m writing from a hotel lobby in Maryland, where Kayti was working at summer camp. On her last day here, she was in a serious car wreck. By the extreme grace of God, she and her three friends walked away without a scratch . When I saw the car I burst into tears.   And when…
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