Hope Church @ Port City

Category: The Kingdom of God

...and by His stripes we are healed. (Is. 53:5)

Reactions to temperature

I’m not sure who first came up with the now-famous “Are you a thermometer or thermostat?” question. I’ve heard it used in pulpits and business meetings and even health seminars. Here’s the bottom line – we get to choose. Consider this – When it’s too hot or too cold in a room, do you: a)…
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Who are you?

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, where do you fit into this picture… and why? The Church: “only deal with Christian people, or at least those that seem to have good morals that uphold the Laws of God! If you don’t, you could become contaminated! Don’t you know that the Bible says that…
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Why surrender?

I’ve been talking for a while about how there’s a difference between yielding and surrender. When you yield in traffic, your foot controls the brake and the gas; you seek to become part of the stream of traffic until you, as an individual, get where you’re going – then you leave the stream of traffic.…
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Mark 1:14,15 – “when” is the Kingdom?

When is the Kingdom of God? Many people the Kingdom far into the future… out of our reach, out of our grasp, not for today. What did Jesus say about it? I’m going to utterly dissect a passage I found in Mark. “Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the…
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heartcry for revival

Make my heart and my life… fresh kindling for Your fire… I woke up this morning literally crying out to God for revival in my heart… for the awesome mighty radical power of God to sweep over this whole region and transform it… Revival both is and is not a sovereign move of God. Yes…
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