Hope Church @ Port City

Who are you?

...and by His stripes we are healed. (Is. 53:5)

Who are you?

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, where do you fit into this picture… and why?


The Church: “only deal with Christian people, or at least those that seem to have good morals that uphold the Laws of God! If you don’t, you could become contaminated! Don’t you know that the Bible says that if you touch a leper, you become unclean? That sin could rub off on you! It’s best to not even go there… it’s just not safe. Those nasty, nasty sinners… ”

The Kingdom: “You are a child of light, the light of the world, a son of God, made in His image, restored to His innocence, and in you resides the fullness of the Godhead bodily. You are complete in Him. You have the power to overcome darkness, indeed, power over all the power of the enemy. Your commission is to love radically, sozo boldly, and make disciples of nations. Kiss the leper and make him clean.”

Who are you? 

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